Let me drop a bombshell on you right away, without the usual preamble of pleasantries:

Traditional television is dying, and YouTube has become the most powerful self-education tool in human history.

I’m not being hyperbolic. My wife and I have virtually abandoned conventional TV—and we’re not alone. Millions have made this shift. But most aren’t using YouTube merely for entertainment; they’re using it as the world’s largest free university.

Case in point: I’ve been battling insulin resistance—that metabolic nightmare that plagues entrepreneurs who fuel 18-hour workdays with coffee and stress. You know the type. Perhaps you ARE the type.

Rather than swallowing whatever prescription my time-pressed physician offered, I devoured dozens of presentations from endocrinologists and metabolic specialists on YouTube. I learned more about glucose regulation in 10 hours of targeted viewing than most medical students learn in a semester.

The results? Energy restored. Brain fog eliminated. Waistline reclaimed.

But health is just the beginning…


FIRST: It’s on demand. No registration. No tuition. No waiting for the next semester to start. Have a question at 3 AM? Your professors are waiting.

SECOND: It’s customizable. Traditional education moves at the pace of the average student. YouTube allows you to pause, rewind, and rewatch until concepts click.

THIRD: It’s expertly curated by the most ruthless editor known to mankind: your personal interest. Unlike formal education where you must complete required courses, YouTube learning follows your curiosity—which produces dramatically higher retention rates.


The world’s most successful people have always understood something the masses don’t: formal credentials are vastly overrated; applied knowledge is priceless.

My current obsession is a channel called “Diary of CEO”—featuring deep-dive interviews with remarkable achievers. These aren’t the sanitized Q&As you’ll find in airport business books. They’re raw explorations of how exceptional minds work.

I’ve extracted more actionable business intelligence from these interviews than from the last dozen business conferences I attended (at $5,000 a pop).


Here’s my challenge to you, and I want this implemented BEFORE YOU GO TO BED TONIGHT:

  1. Take out your journal
  2. Write down three topics you’re genuinely curious about
  3. Commit to spending 10 focused hours on each topic in the next 30 days

That’s just 2 hours per topic per week—less time than most people waste scrolling mindlessly through social media on Sunday alone.

My three topics were insulin resistance, artificial intelligence applications, and high-performance business systems. The ROI on these 30 hours of learning has been incalculable.


If you’re driving yourself hard in business while ignoring the check engine light of your metabolism, YouTube University has a critical department you need to visit immediately.

Insulin resistance—the precursor to diabetes and a major contributor to heart disease—is the pandemic nobody’s talking about. It affects up to 88% of Americans to some degree, with entrepreneurs being particularly vulnerable.

The constant stress, irregular eating, and sleep disruption that come with building a business create the perfect storm for metabolic dysfunction. And once it takes hold, your decision-making, energy, and performance all take devastating hits.

The bottom line: Your business can’t outperform your biology. Period.


For centuries, elite knowledge was locked behind institutional walls. Want to learn advanced finance? Get into Wharton. Want to understand quantum physics? Earn your way into MIT.

Those walls have now crumbled completely.

Today, a 16-year-old in rural India with a smartphone and determination can access better information than was available to Harvard graduate students 20 years ago.

This is perhaps the greatest wealth transfer of our time—not of money, but of knowledge. And knowledge, properly applied, generates money with remarkable efficiency.

Ask yourself: Are you taking full advantage of this unprecedented opportunity, or are you still paying for overpriced, outdated information while the digital learning revolution passes you by?


  1. RIGHT NOW: Write down your three learning topics
  2. TOMORROW: Create dedicated YouTube playlists for each topic
  3. THIS WEEK: Schedule specific learning blocks in your calendar
  4. THIS MONTH: Apply one key insight from each topic to your life or business

The greatest minds in nearly every field are sharing their hard-earned wisdom freely. The only question is: are you systematically harvesting this intellectual bounty, or just occasionally stumbling across it?

The choice is yours. But remember what Benjamin Franklin understood centuries ago: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Yours for bigger thinking and bolder action,

Carlos Samaniego, EA
Editor, Income Unchained